A winning playbook – One principal’s game plan to prepare students for college

Doral Academy Principal Carlos Farrel and four of his students that will be attending Boston University in the fall 2016.
Doral Academy Principal Carlos Farrel and four of his students that will be attending Boston University in the fall 2016.

The EdFly Blog – July 14, 2016 – Principal Carlos Ferralls is knocking back his second shot of Cuban coffee, as if he needs it.

Ferralls thinks fast, talks fast, moves constantly and sees everything. The traits that served him well as a three-time, All-America wide receiver in college, and later as a high school coach, now serve him well in the hallways and classrooms of the Doral Academy Preparatory School.

“It is like coaching,” he says. “This is my building, my teachers, my students. What can I do to make them the best? It is about being able to motivate people toward one goal – getting to college.”

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